This is unbelievable, I've been at it for the second time, the first time I've encountered this.
Amusingly enough, a year and a half later, I'm encountering the same difficulty, which program (hex file) to install on which element of the setup, the dongle, and the keyfob.
A few tips:
- First you must download the BLE v1.3 stack and tools installation.
- If I'm not mistaken the debugger driver is been setup automatically.
- If you are unable to program the components, then your debugger is probably out of date... use the Flash programmer or the IAR 8051 v8.20.1 (If you would be using this option, you would need to read this before you're able to build any project).
- If the correct software is installed then the red LED would be steady on!!
- If your computer does not recognize the dongle in the device manager, then you have installed the wrong hex file/project on it, one which keeps the red LED always on as well!!
- If you have installed the correct software on the keyfob, the LED would be green for a sec and then OFF!!
- If you have tried to use the BTool to discover the keyfob, and you were not successful, press the right button, this would bring the device into discovery mode.
The correct hex file for the dongle is: CC2540_USBdongle_HostTestRelease_All.hex
(This was quite easy to determine... it is the only one with the word dongle in it)
Now as for the keyfob, this was quite confusing since:
(I've edited the next section 3 times... this is absolutely ridicules)
The correct hex file for the keyfob is: CC2540MiniDkDemoSlave.hex
Eventually after you've been able to work all the details, you can read the developer guide, or skim through this for some perspective about the BLE protocol/implementation/usage.
(This was quite easy to determine... it is the only one with the word dongle in it)
Now as for the keyfob, this was quite confusing since:
(I've edited the next section 3 times... this is absolutely ridicules)
- Another file is called HostTestRelease (matching the dongle).
- The documents speaks of SimpleBLEPeripheral.
- And I've searched in all the documents of the demo application, and have not found any reference to the correct file (except in the link I've just added at the bottom of the post).
The correct hex file for the keyfob is: CC2540MiniDkDemoSlave.hex
Eventually after you've been able to work all the details, you can read the developer guide, or skim through this for some perspective about the BLE protocol/implementation/usage.
I hope this helps someone else... I know I've wasted two evenings figuring out what the hell is going on...
Ha... and another thing... if you search for the source code for the demo pplication, you would not find it in: (as you would expect)
You would find it in: (which also makes sense but not as much)
Ha... and another thing... if you search for the source code for the demo pplication, you would not find it in: (as you would expect)
You would find it in: (which also makes sense but not as much)
Thank you very much for documenting this. I've wasted several hours now just trying to get the basic setup right. This post was exactly what I was looking for to help.
ReplyDeleteGlad to hear that... This was so frustrating for me, I've ended up editing the post 5 times before getting it right :)
DeleteBest of luck!
ReplyDeleteThank you for your information on hex files. I was quite confused and was about to waste a lot of time before I found your notes :)